MDTP: Computerized versions of Mathmematics Diagnostic
Project assessment and placement tests now have full approval status
for all
levels. Any college that uses MDTP tests can now also give those
same tests in computerized versions.
Option 1: (CTA - Computer
Delivered Testing)
The CTA (CAPP Test Administrator) software, available for any
college, administers the MDTP, CTEP, CSFI and CELSA tests and produces
test results that can be used with other software products and/or
can be sent to the college's Student Information System. CTA does
not require CAPP's ASAP software.
Option 2: (CTA - used
with ASAP)
For colleges using the CAPP system, CTA fully integrates the
computerized versions with the CAPP's ASAP, including the integration
of paper pencil scoring, full ASAP reporting, and multiple measure
placement. ASAP works on Scantron and NCS scanners.
3: (CTA working with other Software)
For colleges using ACCUPLACER (network or online) and CAPP, CTA also
provides the integration of CPT, ASAP and any other computerized tests
described above. CTA also works with COMPASS response files.
CTA is designed to provide colleges with maximum flexibility
choosing the assessment tests which best meet their needs. Any
combination of paper and pencil along with a variety of publisher
produced computerized tests can be fully integrated using CTA.
CTA runs on Window's computers. Phone and online support available.
CTA - MDTP costs: .60 ¢ per
test (7 forms)
CTA - CTEP costs: .25 ¢ per
test (3 forms)
CTA - CELSA costs: .60 ¢ per
test (2 forms)
CTA has no initial cost (yearly minimum charge of $400 worth of tests).
Try out CTA without any risk! The CTA Demo CD version is available
and shows the tests as they would run and appear at your testing center.
Demo runs on Win95 thru XP PC's (no installation required - uses CD-Rom).
CTA and ASAP or both produced by:
CAPP Associates, Inc. (Computerized
Assessment and Placement
phone (805) 965-5870
FAX (805) 965-5807 3463 State St., Ste. 357
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
has been providing assessment software and services
to higher education since 1985.
Mathematics Diagnostic Testing Project Price
A. Annual MDTP site license
(required by all schools)
5000+ student enrollment: $800/year
Fewer than 5000 student enrollment: $400/year
If computerized MDTP tests are purchased and the college
is also using CAPP software and Accuplacer's CPT Math tests,
the CAPP-CPT Connection per student is waived.