Diagnostic Testing Project
Project History
MDTP began in 1977 as a joint project of the University
of California and the California State University. The tests are developed
by a workgroup including mathematics faculty from UC and CSU systems,
community colleges, and high schools.
Purposes & Uses
The MDTP tests are designed to measure student readiness for a broad
range of mathematics courses. More importantly, the tests were developed
to provide students and teachers with diagnostic information about student
Test Development
The critical criterion that each MDTP test must meet is that knowledge
of the content of the topics and ability to answer the test's questions
are prerequisites for success in subsequent mathematics courses.
Other MDTP Services
- Support to high schools
- Regional conferences
- Newsletters
- Math materials and program clearinghouse
Prices for MDTP Tests
Paper and Pencil Tests (site license)
$400 / year enrollment less than 5,000
$800 / year enrollment greater than 5,000
*plus test booklets
Computerized Versions are now available.
CTA (CAPP Test Administrator)
delivers the tests on Window's computers.
Computerized Tests Delivered with CTA cost
.60 cents/per student per Math test. CTA has a yearly
minimum order of $400 worth of tests.
Computerized versions still require
and annual site license from the test publisher.
For information on computerized MDTP tests, contact
CAPP Associates (805) 965-5870.
For information on paper and pencil MDTP tests, please
contact Mary Anne Anthony
Santa Ana College, Dept. of Mathematics, 17th
at Bristol,
Santa Ana, CA 92706, (714) 564-6646 (
MDTP Levels
Tests are available which measure readiness for various
mathmematics levels:
- Algebra Readiness Tests - Assesses preparation for
first year algebra
- Elementary Algebra Readiness Test - Assesses preparation
for second year algebra
- Intermediate Algebra Readiness Test - Assesses preparation
for precalculus or other courses at that level
- Precalculus Readiness Test - Assesses preparation
for calculus. Both 40 and 60 item tests are available
Computer Testing Options
Visit the MDTP website (order
site license from publisher)
please feel free to contact us at
CAPP Associates:
CAPP Associates, Inc.
3463 State St. Suite 357
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
phone (805) 965-5870
fax (805) 965-5807
to the NATC Homepage